Buffalo Bill’s Brewery America’s Original Pumpkin Ale

Buffalo Bill’s Brewery America’s Original Pumpkin Ale: Whether it’s autumn or not, this is a decent brew. Is it the original Pumpkin Ale as they claim? I don’t know, and honestly don’t care because it I enjoyed it. It has a slightly pungent pumpkin essence with the slightest hint of spices in a warm base…amber ale, maybe? It had no bitterness, but also none of nuttiness that I love, but still, it was nice to sip on, and very much reminded me of weather get cooler and leaves falling. I am not a big fan of the bitter beers, so in regards to many reviewers who give this a low score, I rate it a little higher simply because I am not a lover of extreme hops (so many seem to prefer that taste). It was a bit on the bland side, but I prefer that over headache inducing harsh beers any day!

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