Samuel Adams Imperial Series Wee Heavy

Samuel Adams Imperial Series Wee Heavy:  Well, this sat in my fridge long enough while I gathered the courage to sample it. A-hem. Well…it lives up to its name, HEAVY it is! If I only take the tiniest of sips, it reminds me of molasses, with that strong burnt sugar flavor, along with an herbaceous quality I couldn’t quite discern. I highly doubt I can finish this bottle of 10% ABV brew, but darn, I’m sure going to TRY and choke it down – even if it takes me ALL NIGHT!


  1. I like your site, and your photo you always post. It's cool that its always in the same spot, with the same background. I made this animated gif as a tribute to your photos. Thanks for the beer reviews.

    1. That was quite impressive...I love the animated gif, even made my 5 year old laugh :)Thank you!

  2. I will be on the lookout for this company's brews! I just finished up some difficult terms in college and now have time to pick up my reviews again shortly! Hope I can find me some Charter Oak Brewing Company selections...
